Let's Talk About Blogging

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Blogging has really only been around since the turn of the 21st century. With the emergence of the internet, people took to their computers to create websites where they shared their ideas with whoever they felt comfortable sharing with, whether it be the general public, a small group of people, or for their own personal use.

Blogging is a great tool; it allows people to express themselves without restrictions. Blogging is very informal, so through the conversational tones, people can reveal their personalities, their emotions, and their opinions with ease. Anyone who has access to the internet can create a blog, so you don't need a degree in journalism for people to read your writing.

Blogging is also a great way for people to socialize. People can interact through blogs, spreading ideas to one another and having discussions. This is very helpful to those whose opinions aren't always heard or find themselves in the minority. Since anyone on the internet can reach these blogs, people are able to connect with people from all over the world and from all different backgrounds.

In the era of the Civil Rights Movement, I am certain that activists like Martin Luther King Jr. would have hopped on board with blogging and social media if it had been around. It is fast and effective in reaching out to people, therefore he'd be able to spread his message with ease and even farther than he would've imagined. Even in today's time, social movements such as Black Lives Matter has been on the rise because of the internet and its ability to spread information so efficiently.

Throughout the semester, we were supposed to post a blog weekly. In all honesty, I didn't stay on top of them and found myself having to catch up a few times. Although I am a big procrastinator, when I got to writing the blogs, I did find that they were enjoyable to do. Since I plan on going into the field of journalism, it's important for me to get my ideas out and to pay attention to the news and the world around me.


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