Protect Dissent and Check on Governmental Power

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The eight values of free expression that we discussed in class are: discovery of truth, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent.

To me, the most important values are both protect dissent and check on governmental power. Although they are separate values, they tie together very well in their concepts. Both of these allow citizens to freely speak their minds about the government. It is crucial for people to be able to criticize the government and to enact change if they believe the government is doing something wrongful. The government exists to keep people safe and to run the country and/or state effectively. If people are prohibited from disagreeing with the government, change will never happen.

The First Amendment exists so that people have the freedom to speak whatever they please, as long as it does not pose a serious, credible threat to others. If criticism against the government is prohibited, people's first amendment rights are being taken away, which gives the government excess control over its people. If the people have no power or no say and unlawful actions or corrupt people exist in government, how can they possibly be taken down?

It is our duty to step up if we notice something we dislike. As American citizens, we have an important right to vote. Everyone must take advantage of that opportunity, so that we can express our beliefs and put people into power that we believe will do the best job for the nation, state, and local governments.


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