Spiral of Silence Theory

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During the EOTO presentations, I found the "Spiral of Silence" Theory to be intriguing. Mass Comm Theory defines this theory as the "tendence of people to remain silent when they feel that their views are in opposition to the majority view on a subject." 

The main reason people tend to stay silent about their opinions is due to the fear of isolation. People are afraid to be rejected by their peers, so they constantly observe others to determine what is deemed as acceptable and unacceptable in society. People also fear negative consequences, such as losing a job or social status. 

In contrast to those who suppress their voices, those who find themselves in the majority tend to voice their opinions clearly since they know most of society will accept their beliefs. 

The Spiral of Silence tends to occur through controversial topics such as abortion, gun control, and gay marriage. Because these topics are so highly debated, it causes people to prohibit themselves from speaking out in fear of being shut down by others. 

Today, the internet has provided us with an opportunity to speak our minds freely, causing more people to voice their opinions, whether it be controversial or not. As long as there is access to internet, anyone can post on a blog or any other social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter. Although people can still face backlash, people are more likely to express themselves on the internet because they are behind a screen, rather than doing it in public. It's important for people to share their beliefs, even if they are in the minority, so that people are expressed to a wide variety of opinions in order to have an open mind about the world. 


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